Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day after cast change

Ellie had a tough night. Her mobility is great her breathing is not. Up all night. Back to vet today. Dr Coleman is keeping her all day at vet to monitor her. Then she will take her home to observe her, then back to vet tomorrow afternoon. Ellie is in the BEST of care and we believe dr coleman will solve it. Ellie must have this accute neck extension for bones to ever fuse and to keep her spinal system safe. We hope only slight alterations necessary. We must have Ellie comfortable enough to keep her fighting spirit strong. Thanks


  1. As of 8pm last night Ellie appears to be doing better! Did slit her cast a tiny bit and breathes better. I meet with vet at 12:30 today to get evaluation and take her home!!!!

  2. I saw your post on FB and just wanted to let you know that I hope Ellie gets feeling better real soon. Dr. Jill is our vet too!!! We LOVE her. She is the greatest!!! We have a basset hound that she has been his vet since he was 6 weeks old.

    Sarah Amos
