Saturday, November 6, 2010
Today would be Ellie's First Birthday
Happy First Birthday to our precious baby girl, Ellie.
There are no words to convey how much we miss you. Many times a day we remember you. And we love you forever.
We know you were on Loan to us from God, even though it is hard to understand why so short of a time. You touched so many people with your journey. With so many challenges you continued to have a great attitude for life...teaching us all we can deal with whatever comes our way in life.
You brought together new friendships in the yorkie community. And you even touched a certain couple named Wendy and Adam Furrow. They so graciously blessed us with sweet Maleah grace. She has been the one constant- helping us cope with grief thru her beautiful yorkie comforting personality. Even in pain- we have been so blessed.
Ellie- I hope some day I can rest in knowing we did everything we could for you. I still ask myself everyday what I could have done differently. I just pray you did not hurt in the end. I am sorry we never saw you in the hospital before you crashed. Just to tell you we loved you one more time. I hope in the end you knew we were there.
I still remember all of the things about you in our lives, as recorded here in this blog. What is still hardest for us is laying down and you not sitting on our necks! Either in cast or out of cast you always propped across our necks and slept, or ate your treats on our neck! We still hear that special little persistent cry you had esp to go outside. We still see you running up and down the hallway. And I still see you playing with your best friend Liza, at home.
Daycare is so different now. Cooper loves Maleah. And they are getting more used to each other. But you can tell Cooper misses his feisty Ellie. You two were so entertaining together. Cooper was extremely sad when you left Ellie. I wonder if he still isn't looking for you. I am glad Maleah is there to keep him company now...he is just such a puppy- and misses his puppy sissy.
Since you have left there have been two other AAI puppies on the group that have had surgeries. One almost immediately after you. Both yorkies survived surgery and doing very well. I didn't understand why God chose them- but not you. I just have to turn that over to Him- and slowly the healing has begun.
Ellie- I am forever going to be involved in the diagnosis of AAI- will forever keep your journey alive. I want people to know how serious this is- identify the signs- learn how to treat it and live with it. It is important to me to keep your name as a memory with AAI battles and also inspirations.
As Cathie Cyr once said to me "Ellie is going to teach you what you didn't know about yourself" - What i didn't know is how you would totally change my me understanding when mothers of puppies and humans are faced with challenges with their children. I have a new appreciation for mother's with special needs children. It brings something out of us that we will fight for our kids no matter the difficulty. We also champion them on, protect them, defend them, turn our world completely upside down for them. You know we did for you...because you mattered the most to us. May we never forget what you taught us about what is important.
Today I wish you were here to put on a birthday hat- and make you a special cake make of your favorite treats. I wish I could take dozens of birthday photos- and share them with all of my friends. Instead- I have read your entire blog again. I have looked at every photo and video in my archive again. And i have relived our journey together. Today I remember you, I both cry and smile. You were definitely my first yorkie love and you will always be honored by me.
My vision of you now is running and walking freely and with a whole new neck and spine. I hope you have many great fur-friends to play with - and somehow getting lots of hugs, kisses, and belly rubs.
We love you and we miss you our little shrimpy girl.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Final Report from Surgeon
Report pre on post surgery by Dr. Keith Allen- 7/12/2010
On July 2nd Ellie re-presented to me for surgical stabilization of an Atlanto -Axial luxation. Ellie had done well for several months with a conservative approach by bandaging the cervical region but had had problems with respiratory issues after extended bandaging. Her neurological signs had stabilized for 2 months and then relapsed. It appeared at this point that the best option for her long term was surgical stabilization.
The surgical technique chosen was to stabilize C1-C2 with a ventral approach using screws across the C1-C2 joints and PMMA. At surgery the AA joint appeared very unstable and the anterior body of C2 was displaced cranially and dorsally into thespinal canal. The body of C2 was retracted out of the spinal canal and reduced into a more normal anatomical position. I attempted to pass a 1.5mm screw across each C1-C2 joint space but the implants would not hold. At this point I elected to cross pin the joint spaces which was very successful. The pins provided rigid stability and were reinforced with wire and PMMA.
Following surgery, Ellie was very comfortable and was kept sedated and quiet overnight. We planned on re-bandaging her the next morning. Ellie was walking normally the next day and very comfortable. Unfortunately Ellie started regurgitating and vomiting that night and due to her prior history of respiratory problems in the bandage I felt it was safer to keep her quiet while we got her GI symptoms under control. I was worried about her developing aspiration pneumonia. Ellie’s GI signs resolved but she developed some upper airway nasal congestion from the vomiting and again I was concerned about re-bandaging at that point. Injectable antibiotics were switched to more broad spectrum medications in case of pneumonia.
On Sunday, July 4th, she still had some nasal congestion and had developed aproductive cough suggesting she may have some mild aspiration pneumonia that was responding to medical therapy. She was eating more, was comfortable and walking well throughout the day.
At 11:30pm on Sunday evening, after completing an emergency surgery at the hospital
I went to check on Ellie in her cage. She walked up to me wagging her tail and then collapsed in my arms. Her heart rate fell to 30 beats per minute. Ellie was non-responsive initially, I administered intravenous atropine and corticosteroids and her heart responded, but she remained lethargic. Her breathing was shallow and rapid. She returned to a normal heart rate and breathing rate for about 10 minutes until another episode of collapse occurred.
I elected to radiograph her chest and cervical spine. The surgical repair was intact and
her chest showed no abnormalities. Despite the repair being intact I re-bandaged her to see if it would make a difference in her signs, but episodes of collapse continued throughout the night but she was becoming less responsive to atropine and her breathing was more erratic.
At 7am on Monday, July 5th, she had a major episode of collapse, withbradycardia and and an acute onset of an abnormal breathing pattern. It became evident that Ellie was losing normal brainstem control of heart rate and breathing. At that point I called Sheryll and recommended that she and Lynn come up right away. We sedated and intubated Ellie to take control of breathing and heart rate. When they arrived we felt considering her continued decline the best decision although heart breaking was to let her go.
I wish I could be certain of what happened and why Ellie progressed as she did. Her signs appeared to be brainstem related and I feel they may have been related to either an acute bleed, infarct or development of acute swelling of brainstem for some reason but I cannot be certain.
Ellie was a wonderful puppy and really loved life, she was a wild child and truly loved her parents who are some of the most devoted and loving owners I have ever met. I know this a really difficult time for everyone and I will always second guess everything that happened. Ultimately, I feel we all gave her the best possible chance and I feel her spirit and spunk will live on in all of those who were lucky enough to have been touched by such a wonderful little girl.
Keith Allen, MVB, MS, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Monday, July 5, 2010
Ellie's last day on earth
It is with extreme pain we have to report that we lost our sweet angel baby girl today. She could fight no longer. Rest in peace our precious fur baby. We loved you like our little child and deeply miss everything about you.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Ellie Post Surgery
I will post photos later. Right now just to tired to load them!
Ellie's AAI surgery went fine on Friday July 2. Her bones were too tiny for screws so he used pins, wire, cement. It was "tricky" but surgeon felt good about results.
On Sat July 3, Ellie had a little set back. She began regurgitating- and it made her panic- which made stuff come out of her nose. This issues caused her to not be able to be splinted. And this gi issue is not related to the neck surgery. They did move her esophagus over to perform the surgery which may have caused the panic when the gi attacks happened. Had to sedate her and make her rest. Surgeon said she is not out of the woods yet. Watching over her like a hawk to deal with this issue. Told us she had to stay in the hospital a few more days - that she must have this problem cleared up.
On Sun July 4, Ellie began coughing. Surgeon believes she may have bronchitis or mild pneumonia. Apparently her coughing and gi issues got into her lungs. Cough is productive which is good. Said he would change antibiotic to a more broad spectrum form. Also using nebulizer. She is on IV meds esp to keep her sugars leveled.
Sun pm- Surgeon said Ellie blew out her iv yet again. Has to give liquids and food by hand, but she is ok with it. She is doing well on the new antibiotic. She is alert and perky. She is pink in color- healthy looking. He doesn't want to try iv anymore for fear of her straining her neck to get it off again. She is still coughing, but producing a lot of junk when coughing. That is exactly what we need her to do to get rid of the stuff in her lungs.
Surgeon is highly impressed with her walking and mobility skills. The AAI surgery results are very good. We just need her to conquer these problems. It is possible she will not be able to be splinted because of these episodes.
Everyone is being so wonderful supporting her and her family with thoughts and prayers.
Next time i log on i hope to be re-energized!
Ellie's AAI surgery went fine on Friday July 2. Her bones were too tiny for screws so he used pins, wire, cement. It was "tricky" but surgeon felt good about results.
On Sat July 3, Ellie had a little set back. She began regurgitating- and it made her panic- which made stuff come out of her nose. This issues caused her to not be able to be splinted. And this gi issue is not related to the neck surgery. They did move her esophagus over to perform the surgery which may have caused the panic when the gi attacks happened. Had to sedate her and make her rest. Surgeon said she is not out of the woods yet. Watching over her like a hawk to deal with this issue. Told us she had to stay in the hospital a few more days - that she must have this problem cleared up.
On Sun July 4, Ellie began coughing. Surgeon believes she may have bronchitis or mild pneumonia. Apparently her coughing and gi issues got into her lungs. Cough is productive which is good. Said he would change antibiotic to a more broad spectrum form. Also using nebulizer. She is on IV meds esp to keep her sugars leveled.
Sun pm- Surgeon said Ellie blew out her iv yet again. Has to give liquids and food by hand, but she is ok with it. She is doing well on the new antibiotic. She is alert and perky. She is pink in color- healthy looking. He doesn't want to try iv anymore for fear of her straining her neck to get it off again. She is still coughing, but producing a lot of junk when coughing. That is exactly what we need her to do to get rid of the stuff in her lungs.
Surgeon is highly impressed with her walking and mobility skills. The AAI surgery results are very good. We just need her to conquer these problems. It is possible she will not be able to be splinted because of these episodes.
Everyone is being so wonderful supporting her and her family with thoughts and prayers.
Next time i log on i hope to be re-energized!
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Week of Surgery
Letting Ellie go outside for just a few minutes each day this week before surgery on Friday. Letting her enjoy some of her favorite things in her life.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ellie SURGERY Plans
We had an appt with the surgeon on Thurs. All signs point to it being time to put Ellie through AAI surgery. Her fusion broke down after cast release too soon for comfort. Her surgery is scheduled 8am Friday July2 2010 at Upstate Vet Specialists in Greenville SC- by Dr Keith Allen. He has performed several AAI surgeries with successful outcomes- May Ellie be a huge success story. Surgery will last several hours. She will be in the hospital there all wkend and we will take her home on Monday.
We are nervous- This is a highly serious/risky surgery to repair her neck/spine- but we have full confidence in Dr Allen. This is also a highly expensive surgery- and we are just going to trust the process that we will be able to cover all of the funds. We are responsible for this baby and will do whatever it takes for her to live a comfortable healthy yorkie life. Please keep Ellie in your thoughts and prayers - as well as our family- and Dr Allen- that God will carry us all thru each step of this one day at a time. We hope she survives the surgery, and will have a new strength in her body and will have full mobility.
Thanks everyone. Promise I will update as soon as I can after her surgery.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
June2010 Re-Cast
We are disappointed to say Ellie has had a set back of some sort with her mobility. For some reason her fusion has begun to break down, causing her spinal cord to be out of line, and thus causing her wobbly gait.
We rushed her to her surgeon yesterday in Greenville SC. We caught it early and she is not in any pain. We had 3 choices. One, total crate confinement for a while to see if she would return to normal (chances slim). Two, place her back in the body cast for a while to restabilize her neck and spinal cord. Three, AAI surgery.
The surgeon, who we highly trust, said the third choice was not an option right now- because Lynnie is out of town. Until she returns, it is best to place her back in the body cast. Then, we will need to schedule surgery. It doesn't appear that the conservative fusion route is going to work for Ellie. We gave it our absolute highest effort!
Please keep her and her parents in your prayers daily. Pray number one- that Ellie will not have the breathing issues she had before in the cast. Second- pray for our wisdom to know when to work out her surgery - mainly due to our work schedules. It will either be end of next week, Fri of July 4th wkend, or July 15th when Lynn is back in town for many weeks in a row.
We do not know why such an innocent little baby has to go thru this- But we can certainly say Ellie is a fighter. She is now 7 months old and 4lbs. She is now older and bones are stronger and has a better chance with the surgery. It is a very risky surgery and very expensive. We have many decisions to make and lots of "one day at a time- Trust in the Lord" to do in this process.
Me and Lynn are beyond blessed with family, friends, co-workers, and the Yorkie community- Constantly there with support encouragement and love. We cannot thank you enough. Cathy Cyr with Yorkies Inc said it best "Ellie will get thru this with her Yorkie-tude"- This is what we have to BELIEVE.
We rushed her to her surgeon yesterday in Greenville SC. We caught it early and she is not in any pain. We had 3 choices. One, total crate confinement for a while to see if she would return to normal (chances slim). Two, place her back in the body cast for a while to restabilize her neck and spinal cord. Three, AAI surgery.
The surgeon, who we highly trust, said the third choice was not an option right now- because Lynnie is out of town. Until she returns, it is best to place her back in the body cast. Then, we will need to schedule surgery. It doesn't appear that the conservative fusion route is going to work for Ellie. We gave it our absolute highest effort!
Please keep her and her parents in your prayers daily. Pray number one- that Ellie will not have the breathing issues she had before in the cast. Second- pray for our wisdom to know when to work out her surgery - mainly due to our work schedules. It will either be end of next week, Fri of July 4th wkend, or July 15th when Lynn is back in town for many weeks in a row.
We do not know why such an innocent little baby has to go thru this- But we can certainly say Ellie is a fighter. She is now 7 months old and 4lbs. She is now older and bones are stronger and has a better chance with the surgery. It is a very risky surgery and very expensive. We have many decisions to make and lots of "one day at a time- Trust in the Lord" to do in this process.
Me and Lynn are beyond blessed with family, friends, co-workers, and the Yorkie community- Constantly there with support encouragement and love. We cannot thank you enough. Cathy Cyr with Yorkies Inc said it best "Ellie will get thru this with her Yorkie-tude"- This is what we have to BELIEVE.
Monday, June 7, 2010
June Update
i am smiling because live is great!
I just turned Seven Months old! Can you believe it?!!!
I am doing good every day. I am growing, and my hair is finally growing!
Not sure what my exact weight is at the moment, thinking I am about 4lbs.
I recently went on vacation for the first time ever...and reunited with my beautiful sister, Bella! I wasn't allowed to walk in the sand, but i did walk non-stop on a harness and leash in the RV park. I spent eight days in an rv with my half sisters and half brother. I loved my vacation and i enjoyed being in a yorkie pack. Just one thing, i still HATE to ride in the car. I hate it. I cannot figure out how to tell my parents why i hate riding in a car, truck, or rv!
My next trip is going to be to go visit the Tuohey Ranch in Raleigh. I will get to see my aunties and cousins July4th! I cannot wait. I do wonder how her big dogs will like me...
As far as my health, I am getting stronger every day. My parents do a great job catering to me and protecting me, but also giving me the freedom i need to be a puppy. Next up for me- I have to get Spade soon :( and just as bad, I have to get teeth pulled...I have a double rack of teeth! But, my dr is the best in the world- Jill will take excellent care of me. I miss her.
Look at all of us in one rv! ellie, demi, cooper, zoe, bella
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
General Update
I am happy to report - no real reason for this post!!!! Means things are going along pretty well with Ellie. She goes for about 6 days and feels great, then she has a day she gets sore/tired. We call her Great great granny Pearl on such days. She just basically says to us "hey, i am tired, my muscles are sore, don't touch me" and we listen. Ellie acts like she is 12 weeks old now. Catching up for lost puppyhood time. It is still a challenge to keep her safe around all of her other doggie friends- so far, so good. Ellie has a really big vacation coming up and I will have lots of posts and photos. She is going back to the Gulf Shores area to meet reunite with her sister Bella and all of her other half siblings! She will soon be running through the white sands and showing off her cast freedom, and her slim figure.

Today she got her new no choke harness in the mail...a very special gift in so many ways....

Today she got her new no choke harness in the mail...a very special gift in so many ways....
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ellie's Angels on this Earth (Dr. Keith Allen Upstate Vet SC; Dr. Jill Coleman Good Hands Vet Athens GA)
"RELEASE" what a word.
Today we had a miracle day. Ellie went to her surgeon, Dr Keith Allen (who we call our Irish Guardian Angel)- at the incredible facility of Upstate Vet Hospital in Greenvile, SC.
He was so IMPRESSED with her mobility, her love for life, her total attitude and puppy wiggliness, that he said he releases her from her care. She can wear a soft harness. She can play. She can GO ON VACATION- run with the sand under her little paws. We will always be required to exercise extra caution with her neck and spine- always protect her the best we can- otherwise her scar tissue has fused around c1 and c2 and will not need surgery. IF we were ever to elect surgery he prefers to delay for 6 months to a year, for bone growth. However, none of us anticipate that being needed. Thank you to EVERYONE for your steady prayers, support, and caring concern as we have walked this journey with Ellie- esp since Jan22 when she no longer could use her back legs whatsoever. Ellie and her family requests continued thoughts and prayers- as we must offer her protection from injury for her lifetime....many many many yorkie years we hope!!!!
ELLIE in her stroller (actually Liza's stroller) during our WONDERFUL lunch with my dear friend bonnie and my dear wonderful aunt Linda. The only thing missing on a very perfect day was my most wonderful best friend and mommie to Ellie, sweet sweet Lynnie.
Ellie on the drive home. Looks so peaceful. But she actually cried the entire way to Greenville. She still absolutely hates the car...and I still have not solved the mystery as to why.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ellie with her crazy Cast Mats.Tried every idea suggestion and technique to break up the mats...didn't work.
She went to her vet this week for her final puppy shot. She weighed in at 3.19lbs!!!!!!!!! One whole pound since the cast came off 3 weeks ago!!!
Ellie asks for your positive thoughts and prayers tomorrow- as she is evaluated by the surgeon. We personally think she is doing GREAT!!!!!
Ellie with her new shave. She thinks she is Beautiful- and Prances around like a Princess :) This whole week she has acted like a normal puppy for the first time ever. She is Spunky, Funny, Busy, and Cute as she can BE!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Ellie is so active- at times being so normal we forget she is an Eggshell still.
Last night she apparently ran around and played too much. Today she is crying and yelping...from just being sore, we hope and pray. Hope she will feel better soon. We are so anxious to hear what the surgeon says this coming Friday.
Last night she apparently ran around and played too much. Today she is crying and yelping...from just being sore, we hope and pray. Hope she will feel better soon. We are so anxious to hear what the surgeon says this coming Friday.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
17 Days Left
to Reach 4 more weeks of protecting Ms EggShell.
It is a CHALLENGE...because she wants to Run Play Jump- and be with her pack. Can't happen.
She is doing well- mobility great- breathing all fixed now. She is a huge matted mess...but we will fix that down the road. Ellie is spunky and prissy....loves to play and chase us and our toes!
Next week she gets a shot on Wed April 13th, and on Fri April 16th she goes back to Dr Allen just to check her prior to her final four weeks of ambulatory care....we hope and pray.
The big deal is- do we then select surgery...or do we keep trying conservative care without a cast.
Keep on praying....attached are some recent photos. enjoy
It is a CHALLENGE...because she wants to Run Play Jump- and be with her pack. Can't happen.
She is doing well- mobility great- breathing all fixed now. She is a huge matted mess...but we will fix that down the road. Ellie is spunky and prissy....loves to play and chase us and our toes!
Next week she gets a shot on Wed April 13th, and on Fri April 16th she goes back to Dr Allen just to check her prior to her final four weeks of ambulatory care....we hope and pray.
The big deal is- do we then select surgery...or do we keep trying conservative care without a cast.
Keep on praying....attached are some recent photos. enjoy
Sunday, March 28, 2010
ELLIE Major Update= NO CAST
VERY WEIRD visit to Dr. Allen in Greenville, SC on Friday. We went expecting evaluation of her skin and hair- and a cast change.
As you can see, Ellie has no cast. Dr. Allen checked her hair and skin and although she is extremely matted, all looks good. His major concern was that the respiratory issue hasn’t seemed to improve, even with Prednisone and Clavamox and he thinks the danger of pneumonia developing is worse that the possibility of injury without the brace. So he just took the entire cast off! Without the cast, btw, her weight dropped from 2.69lbs to 2.1lbs. She is a tiny little girl still.
He suggests no brace for the next FOUR weeks until we return for a check-up. He feels the respiratory situation will clear up faster without it. He also felt that fusion has begun but there would be no reason to do x-rays or CT scans today as they would not reveal much in the way of healing. Typically when this area fuses it creates scar tissue and is visible on an x-ray or CT scan. He thinks its too early for that to show up.
So, for the next four weeks, she is critically, critically fragile and should be either in her crate/carrier or in their arms. No contact with other animals and no running, jumping, stair climbing — no extreme movement that would jeopardize the progress she’s already made. If, during the next four weeks, there is any sign whatsoever of the slightest problem with her mobility, we would have to take her immediately back to Greenville for surgery. Period, end of report. We will no longer have an option to bypass surgery.
The next four weeks will be torture for this baby girl, since her mobility has improved tremendously and she has now shed some weight by losing this brace. Keeping her stable will be a challenge because she is so busy- but we committed to ensure the best of care for her to heal and thrive.
Although four weeks is the key time to achieve no injury- we do have another appointment with Dr Allen in THREE ensure she is still doing well.
UPDATE from the weekend. It is so hard to keep Ellie separated from Liza. She has seen her briefly a couple of times...but no playing. It is so tempting to just see how they do- but we must be strict and not allow any accident. Otherwise- she is doing great. She is happy and yes very matted- even after a bath. We may have to end up shaving her mats out- but have to wait. It is wonderful to give her a belly rub and actually see a cute little puppy. It is wonderful- and it is also scary- Pray for us to be wise in her care to keep her safe for the next four weeks. THanks!!!!
As you can see, Ellie has no cast. Dr. Allen checked her hair and skin and although she is extremely matted, all looks good. His major concern was that the respiratory issue hasn’t seemed to improve, even with Prednisone and Clavamox and he thinks the danger of pneumonia developing is worse that the possibility of injury without the brace. So he just took the entire cast off! Without the cast, btw, her weight dropped from 2.69lbs to 2.1lbs. She is a tiny little girl still.
He suggests no brace for the next FOUR weeks until we return for a check-up. He feels the respiratory situation will clear up faster without it. He also felt that fusion has begun but there would be no reason to do x-rays or CT scans today as they would not reveal much in the way of healing. Typically when this area fuses it creates scar tissue and is visible on an x-ray or CT scan. He thinks its too early for that to show up.
So, for the next four weeks, she is critically, critically fragile and should be either in her crate/carrier or in their arms. No contact with other animals and no running, jumping, stair climbing — no extreme movement that would jeopardize the progress she’s already made. If, during the next four weeks, there is any sign whatsoever of the slightest problem with her mobility, we would have to take her immediately back to Greenville for surgery. Period, end of report. We will no longer have an option to bypass surgery.
The next four weeks will be torture for this baby girl, since her mobility has improved tremendously and she has now shed some weight by losing this brace. Keeping her stable will be a challenge because she is so busy- but we committed to ensure the best of care for her to heal and thrive.
Although four weeks is the key time to achieve no injury- we do have another appointment with Dr Allen in THREE ensure she is still doing well.
UPDATE from the weekend. It is so hard to keep Ellie separated from Liza. She has seen her briefly a couple of times...but no playing. It is so tempting to just see how they do- but we must be strict and not allow any accident. Otherwise- she is doing great. She is happy and yes very matted- even after a bath. We may have to end up shaving her mats out- but have to wait. It is wonderful to give her a belly rub and actually see a cute little puppy. It is wonderful- and it is also scary- Pray for us to be wise in her care to keep her safe for the next four weeks. THanks!!!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Ellie - First Day of Spring 2010
Harvey, Ellie, Liza
Ellie and Liza
Ellie in the Spring Leaves!
YUMYUMYUM the fresh Spring Air!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ellie is totally obsessed with running up Cooper's mommie's steps....barks cries throws a fit.
Ellie is totally obsessed with running up Cooper's mommie's steps....barks cries throws a fit.
Ellie Various updates

Ellie did not get a cast change this week- instead Dr. Coleman cut a slit in the cast across her head from Ear to Ear. That was Tues. Since then Ellie has worked her ears out of the cast forward- I don't have a good photo yet- but she actually looks a little bit like a yorkie! She was doing so well with her URI- but had a big set back this week. We are sure we all got sickly because of pulling up very old dusty carpet. Our fault. Ellie has now been placed on a 10 day round of Prednisone to help with her breathing. She is now sleeping like a lamb. Anyway- we have two weeks to go before the big appt with Dr. Allen her surgeon. Keep praying for Ellie to be strong so her evaluation will be well on March 26.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Ellie's Third Cast
Today Ellie had her Third cast. Dr. Coleman did a perfect job handling her with care, and applying the new trendy pink with purple hearts wrapping. She is still congested from the upper resp infection so the cast is not as tight while she continues to heal. Ellie was spunky at the vet before the cast change and wanted to get down from my arms and play with a big Sheep Dog! She has really become a spunky puppy and feels better each day. Enjoy the photos!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ellie's Surgeon
Thanks to Good Hands Vet Hospital we were referred to an expert surgeon specializing in AAI cases. We are impressed with Dr. Allen and his conservative approach. Should Ellie have to have surgery- Her life will be in the hands of this skilled surgeon.
Upstate Veterinary Specialists, Greenville SC
Dr. Keith Allen, Diplomate ACVS
Degree in Veterinary Medicine from University College, Dublin, Ireland
Internship - Michigan State University
Residency and Masters - Purdue University
Diplomate - American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Board Certified in Veterinary Surgery
Monday, February 22, 2010
Surgeon visit
Today we drove to Upstate Vet Specialist in Sc to see Dr Allen. He was beyond pleased with her mobility and spunky attitude. She gave him a kiss too. He changed her antibiotic for her breathing and was not so worried about her chest. Instead he expressed she is doing wonderful and 'you worry too much'. We begin changing cast every week at our vet until she breathes better. Give benydril at night so we all can sleep! We go back to surgeon in 5 wks for next big follow up. He will change cast and examine skin and hair health. Then will be ready for surgery a month beyond that - IF she has to have it. We pray the bones just fuse.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Ellie has a cold.
Ellie's upper respiratory infection is not yet getting better. She is snoring honking reverse sneezing etc. Along with her antibiotics, I have her all set up with a vick's vaporizer and a few homeopathic calming things. So far- hasn't cleared her up yet. We go to the surgeon tomorrow- interested in what he is going to say about her breathing/stuffiness. Say a prayer for her tomorrow as she gets her progress review. thank you
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ellie is home!
Ellie is doing great. Thanks to Dr Coleman going the extra mile. Her cast was changed only slightly and she breathes and manuvers better. She does have a little resp.infection that is part of her breathing problem. Antibiotics will do the trick to kick it. Ellie visited our friends at work today. She gave and received lots of love. So next up is this Monday we go back to the surgeon for a followup visit on her progress. And ps Ellie had a blast playing with Cooper Fuller and Tucker Case tonight. Then came home to her pampering "mommie" Liza the peek. Today was a good day and the prayers are appreciated.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day after cast change
Ellie had a tough night. Her mobility is great her breathing is not. Up all night. Back to vet today. Dr Coleman is keeping her all day at vet to monitor her. Then she will take her home to observe her, then back to vet tomorrow afternoon. Ellie is in the BEST of care and we believe dr coleman will solve it. Ellie must have this accute neck extension for bones to ever fuse and to keep her spinal system safe. We hope only slight alterations necessary. We must have Ellie comfortable enough to keep her fighting spirit strong. Thanks
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Ellie did get her body brace changed today. She did well and Dr. Coleman and Dave were so gentle with her! Ellie is not happy how jacked up her head and neck are again- but she can still walk. That is what matters. Today marks 3 wks in the cast. We need this cast to fit for 3 weeks too! Thanks for your support and prayers - and cheering this baby on to health. She is now almost 15 wks old. Weighs 2.13lbs. Including cast.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ellie at Daycare
Ellie at Daycare
Ellie is upset today because her Daycare buddy Cooper is gone until
Sherryl Butler
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